Tag: Rusev

February 28, 2018 /

Русев Удря, Русев Мачка. I just noticed the original post about it turned three years old last month. That might have been the day I fell on the icy driveway, I don’t know. In other words, I was thinking about other things. Death and such–I was in quite the Bray Wyatt mood all month. But it’s a day worth noting for The Spectacle of Excess. It’s the post that got us on the IWC map.…

May 28, 2016 /

The image is a sign I made for Rusev when I went to a Smackdown in Phoenix last October. Sadly I forgot it in the trunk of my rental car, but at least I took a picture. It has been a wild month here at The Spectacle of Excess. I started this blog two years ago just so I could have a space to shoot my mouth off into the void about wrestling and Shakespeare and Roland Barthes and…

June 2, 2015 /

So Rusev and Lana broke up, apparently to complicate the narrative so WWE could extricate itself from the much too effective political satire it had created with Lana and her big pictures of Putin and Red Square. It was great, but it was a minefield, and both Lana and Rusev are too good to be allowed to hit a wall of controversy or wash out as corny and innocuous cultural stereotypes. Trust me, we don’t…

May 29, 2015 /

Based on my What Rusev is Saying post from months ago, Google sends me boatloads of traffic on the topic of Rusev, Lana, what they’re saying and what they’re up to. Recently I’ve had several search terms to the effect of why is rusev bulgarian again. It’s a real puzzler, isn’t it? Suddenly, after their break up, Rusev is waving the Bulgarian flag. So representing Russia was all because Lana is such a pretty girl?…

May 18, 2015 /

So if the “I Quit” match was as nonsensical as I think it was, the Rusev character has committed to its free-fall. This once determined and hard-working immigrant who treated his beautiful valet (girlfriend?) with dignity and respect is now a ranting, illogical, abusive asshole collapsing beneath his wild-eyed hubris. And why? It seems to me Rusev is being tanked because so many of us refused to boo him as a heel. Many of us…

May 18, 2015 /

UPDATE! I was totally wrong here! Somebody who speaks Bulgarian corrected me on Twitter, check it out: @AndreaGregovich when he screams “aaa predavam sa”  this means i qiur — Mario (@bloodicha1) May 18, 2015 So thank you to Mario for setting me straight on the words that I struggled with (predavam sa), and I owe Lana an apology. But now the match seems even more hokey. This means Rusev forgot how to speak English, he…

March 8, 2015 /

And then there appeared a curious GIF on my Twitter timeline: https://twitter.com/TraskVancity/status/574481893069955072 Seth Rollins waving the Russian flag. And over John Cena at that! Think of the thematic implications! Look, I know there’s deep thinking to be done about this one. I’ll update this post when and if it comes to me. 🙂

March 5, 2015 /

I grew up in a carny-friendly household and I married a corporate executive. My dad was on a first name basis with a local midget wrestler named Dirty Dan and my aunt and uncle were itinerant sellers of cowboy hats at fairs, festivals, and rodeos across the country. I have met some interesting folks — there’s a certain ethos that is distinctly different from the vibe coming off the corporate set. I grew up around…

February 28, 2015 /

Friends, I have discovered a subliminal message on Smackdown this week. Remember the email Rusev received from Vladimir Putin? I took a look at the Russian for my own nerdy purposes and compared it to Lana’s translation. Her translation of the email was more or less accurate except for one small phrase. And what a phrase it is! Here is the sentence in Russian: Как президент великой державы, Матери-России, я с гордостью хочу выразить вам…

February 28, 2015 /

I’ve taken a look at the analytics. When people hear Rusev udrya Rusev machka they hear udrya as mudria, kidrya, pudrya, and budrya. An impressive number of hits to my earlier writings suggest that the search engine gods have deemed me an internet expert on this topic. I couldn’t be more proud. In a month and a half my original Rusev post has more than 200 hits. For some nerd’s literary wrestling blog that’s less…