Tag: Punkrockbigmouth

June 12, 2017 /

This is the third installment of a five part series called On The -isms of Punkrockbigmouth. Check the first two here and here. Whereas PRBM’s crosshatching and impressionism are astute stylistic choices for her medium and subject, foreshortening is a very practical technique that bring the art of wrestling’s action and physicality into a visual space in such a way that allows a fast-moving tangle of bodies to be visually comprehensible. An object is foreshortened when…

July 3, 2015 /

The digital artist from Texas known to the Internet Wrestling Community as Punkrockbigmouth (who sometimes admits her name is Niki) is possibly the most talented person I follow in the IWC. Her Tumblr “Absurdity” is a garden of ironic delights for these strange times. Dean Ambrose playing with baby chicks! Roman Reigns riding a unicorn and holding a kitty! The New Day getting drunk on milk! There’s so much to say I’ve sat here for months…

March 24, 2015 /

Tim Kail reads from my piece On Mankind vs. the Undertaker on the Work of Wrestling podcast this week! When Tim reads my words, I hear ideas in them I hadn’t noticed before. Have a listen to this truly stellar podcast: https://twitter.com/MaximusWrestler/status/580009196717936640 Also on the podcast is Kyle & Oliver’s latest parody, a song about Daniel Bryan which is incomplete without a viewing of their video: I really think Kyle and Oliver have outdone themselves…